Piano is the only thing we can do right

Individuals Aged 18 and Over in Hotspots Eligible to Book as of May 3

北美 2021-May-02

Sophia Zhang, Piano teacher, Sophia's Piano Lesson
TORONTO — Due to a stable and reliable increase in vaccine supply, this week, the Ontario government will further expand booking eligibility for COVID-19 vaccination appointments across the province. As of Monday, May 3, 2021, at 8:00 a.m., individuals who are 18 and over in 2021 and live in one of the 114 hot spot communities will be eligible to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment at a mass immunization clinic through the provincial online booking system or directly through public health units that use their own booking system. This expansion of eligibility will support the government’s strategy of allocating 50 per cent of vaccine allocations to hot spots the weeks of May 3rd and 10th.

